What is it?

Management Liability Insurance provides comprehensive coverage to protect company directors, officers, and management personnel from a wide range of legal claims stemming from their decisions and actions. It combines several coverages, including Directors & Officers (D&O) and Employment Practices Liability (EPLI), into a single policy.

Why is it important?

In today's litigious business environment, management decisions and actions can be subject to legal scrutiny. Management Liability Insurance is essential to safeguard leaders against personal financial exposure resulting from claims related to alleged mismanagement, employment practices, and other managerial decisions.

What does it cover?

Directors & Officers (D&O) Coverage

Protects company leaders from claims alleging mismanagement, breach of fiduciary duty, negligence, or other errors in decision-making.

Employment Practices Liability (EPLI) Coverage

Guards against claims of workplace discrimination, harassment, or wrongful termination by executives and employees.

Why Frontier Risk?

Cannabis Specialized
We understand the cannabis industry, your challenges as a business owner, and the license specific insurance you need.
Fast Quoting
Our online quoting for cannabis insurance ensures that you receive quotes from the top carriers.
Fair Prices
We offer fair insurance prices for cannabis businesses, providing equitable rates comparable to other industries.
Easy Policy Management
Our customer portal allows you to conveniently manage your policies, download certificates, report claims, and more.
Dedicated Support
Our dedicated support team puts your needs first, providing round-the-clock assistance. When you call, we'll be there.

Common Questions

Does it cover claims related to financial mismanagement?

Yes, Management Liability insurance can provide coverage for claims alleging financial mismanagement by company leaders, directors, and officers.

Is it customizable for specific industry risks?

Absolutely, Management Liability insurance can be tailored to address industry-specific risks and challenges faced by management teams.

Can it protect against claims from shareholders?

Yes, Management Liability insurance can include coverage for claims brought by shareholders, especially in cases of alleged mismanagement.

Cannabis Insurance Made Simple

We understand your operations, pain points and risks – because we’ve lived them firsthand as former operators at leading cannabis companies.